Friday, July 15, 2011

Wizard of Oz

Speaking of timeless classics, Wizard of Oz was produced in 1930, but still everyone is keeping the story alive. Let's not forget it too originated from a book. After all, some of the most impacting stories originates from books. Several has tried remaking the movie, but the original cannot be beaten. Such great acting and a plot that will always be remembered. Who knew the Wizard of Oz would have such an impact on the world, that it would last longer than the people who created it? Judy Garland and the rest of the cast has taken the extended position in the world, no one can quite remaster a movie like the original Wizard of Oz. The trending stories these days are simply modern and fictional, so the reason this remained in the spotlight seems uncommon. The world often forgets classics, movies/books that were created in the past, but there are a hand full that make an impact enough to stay on the trending list.